Portable digital version of the scratch-off sports strip cards everyone uses on the Super Bowl and other sporting events.
Why spend $20 for 100 of these cards when you can get a virtually unlimited supply of them, that you will always have with you for a fraction of that cost?
Never be at a Super Bowl (or other sporting event) party again and realize that no one remembered to bring the scratch off strip cards. With this app you will always have them at the ready.
How it works:
You create a new strip card and enter the event information: name, date, and teams. You then enter 10 players names on each of the lines, optionally entering an email address for that player.
Once all 10 players are entered, you reveal the numbers. Each player will receive a number randomly generated from 0 to 9. At the end of the game (or quarter or half, or period) you enter the scores into the fields for the card.
The app then determines the winner by adding the scores and taking the last digit of the score. Whichever player has that number is the winner.
This adds a bit extra excitement to your favorite sporing events.
- virtually unlimited number of cards
- integrated with your contacts list for easy player addition
- search cards by event name
- email card to all players
- email card to single player
- edit card from detail view
- automatically determines and displays/highlights winner once scores are entered
- delete and reorder cards from master view
- no cheating
- can only reveal numbers once all players supplied
- cant change players once numbers are revealed
- cant email card until numbers are revealed
Each card keeps track of
- event name (required)
- date (required - automatically sets current date on card creation)
- team names (optional)
- scores (optional)
- player name (required)
- player email (optional)
For entertainment only. Not intended for gambling purposes.